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Medicinal CBD Oil Treatments

Hemp Around the World: The History of Cannabis Across the Globe

September 15



Cannabis has a rich and long history that spans across the entire globe, from Ancient China to Africa. The cannabis plant and its elements are known under many different names by various global cultures, including hashish to the Arabs, ganja to the Indo-Aryans, and kanab or qunabo to the Ancient Assyrians. Like its multiple titles across historical cultures, cannabis has had equally diverse uses. From medicinal to recreational use, this plant and its effects is weaved into the history of many cultures. Join the CBD experts at AltMed and read on to hop around the globe to understand cannabis’ rich history!

Cannabis in Ancient China

Archaeological evidence suggests the Ancient Chinese people are the first known users of cannabis, with traces of the plant found in smoking tools dated to be 2,500 years old! The use of these tools suggests the Ancient Chinese were inhaling the smoke, most likely for medicinal reasons. This idea is reflected in the medical encyclopaedia of ancient emperor Shen-Nung, also known as ‘the father of Chinese medicine,’ in which ma or cannabis is frequently referred to as a soother of various illnesses. 

Cannabis continued to be used in a medicinal content by Chinese doctors to slightly numb the pain of surgery. Chinese Surgeon Hua T’o mixed wine and cannabis resin for his patients before any major surgery as a means of anaesthesia. Cannabis continues to be used in a medical context to this day, and can be ingested in the form of CBD oil. Learn more about modern alternative medicine with AltMed!

The cannabis plant’s physical elements were also known to be very useful in Ancient Chinese civilisations. The fibres of the hemp plant are very strong, and were used to weave rope and clothes, create flexible weapons such as bows and arrows, as well as to make paper!

Cannabis in South Asia

The cannabis plant is indigenous to the South Asian region, hence its strong roots in Asian culture. In this part of the world, cannabis had both religious and medicinal uses. Early mentions of cannabis were found in the ancient Hindu text, the Vedas, said to be thousands of years old. In the text, cannabis is described as a sacred plant with the power to relieve anxiety and increase joy. Interestingly, this is not much different from the current uses of medicinal cannabis today!

The Hindu god, Shiva, is said to have been a huge advocate of cannabis, or bhang, consuming it in a liquid state. To this day, recreational and religious use of cannabis in India continues in a similar form, by crushing cannabis leaves and mixing the paste with milk, as well as sugar and various spices for taste. 

According to the experts at AltMed, modern day CBD oils are an alternative method of consuming cannabis, which can be sprayed into the mouth, swallowed, inhaled in vapour. Listen to the AltMed podcast to learn more about medicinal CBD!

Cannabis in Ancient Assyria and Arabia

Similar to cannabis use in Asia, Ancient Assyrian cultures used the plant for religious and medicinal purposes. This is suggested in the collection of tablets found in ancient Assyrian libraries, on which the word qunabu (meaning hemp) was carved. The cannabis plant is understood to have been boiled whole, then used as a salve on the skin, soothing internal and external aches and pains, including childbirth.  

Not only was it used externally, but cannabis was also recreationally ingested in the form of smoke via ornate pipes, which continue to be popular to this day. 

Cannabis in the Rest of the World

Though native to Asia, cannabis eventually spread across the globe through various trade routes, primarily via the silk road, as well as through historical warfare and occupation. Though the clear origin of cannabis remains a mystery, one thing is for certain, the plant was used for similar purposes across the globe. 

Cannabis continues to be used in similar ways today, with the legalisation of its medical use in the Western world, as well as the continued use of it for religious purposes in places like India. You too can experience the benefits of this ancient plant via practical means such as CBD oils. Tune into the AltMed podcast to get more insight into the modern world of cannabis with the CBD experts.


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